Carter has been deeply attached to her pacifier - pappy - as she so fondly calls it. She really didn't love it when she was a baby, but we carried it with us everywhere we went just in case she had a fit. She was a little bit colicky when she was a tiny baby, so everywhere we went, we walked on eggshells, unsure if she would have a meltdown -- which she most always did in the evening, especially if she was tired. Somewhere around 6 to 8 months old, she started loving the paci; she would have taken it all the time if we would have let her. We moved her upstairs in her room when she was almost a year old and from that time forward, we would make her leave it in the bed when she got up in the morning and when she got up from her nap. That worked for the most part in preventing her from having it in her mouth all the time...until she figured out how to reach in her bed and drag it out.
Carter -- approx. 1 month old |
I knew that as her second birthday approached, I needed to "axe" the paci, but I honestly just didn't have the heart to. We started working with her on potty training in January, and the new baby was due in May, and I didn't want to throw in another huge milestone during an already hectic time of transition. So, I avoided it. It seemed like such a comfort to her, and to be honest, it was helpful in encouraging bed and nap time.
We have been encouraging her to get rid of it since Dylan Kate arrived. We have told her that paci's are only for babies and she isn't a baby anymore, and she should just throw it away. Of-course, this went directly in one ear and out the other. She appeared to have no interest in giving it up. But...miracle of all miracles happened last Sunday! I was busy working in the kitchen and Carter had just gotten up from her nap and snuck down with her paci still in her mouth (I really wasn't looking for a fight at the time). A few minutes later I heard her open the trash can and say "I'm throwing you away, I'm done with you!" I went and peered in the can only to see her pink paci shining up at me amongst the trash! I absolutely could not believe it. I wasn't really sure what to do, but in a moments decision, just decided to go with it. Woohoo! I threw an impromptu dance party right there in the kitchen, even going outside and summoning in her daddy to see the "prize" in the trash! Carter was excited, and we were of-course thrilled but I wasn't sure how the night would go.
That night in putting her to bed, she asked for her "pappy." I reminded her of the afternoon and that she had thrown it away. She informed me that there was another one, and I showed her that it too was gone. She got into the bed and didn't ask for it again. I went downstairs hesitantly and soon she was crying. I waited it out for a few minutes and decided that I should go up and see her. When I got into her room, she didn't ask for her pappy, but instead told me there was something outside her window that was bothering her. She asked me to hold her...which I did of-course.
If you knew this child, you would know when she asks you to hold her, you better take advantage of it. She has never been one that wanted to be held -- always wanting to do her own thing -- Miss Independent. But, that night, I was thankful for the opportunity to hold her. I sat there as she fell asleep on my chest, thinking that the times I get to hold her like that are getting so very few and far in between. She is growing up. I cried, not because the paci was gone, but because of the pride I felt that she did it on her own and was being so strong about it. I know it is just a paci, but to her it meant so much. I cried, because I knew that was one of the last connections of her being a baby. She is a toddler, growing into a young lady. As I look at Dylan Kate, it is crazy to think how quickly Carter has gone from Dylan's size to the little girl she is now. It seems like the blink of an eye.
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Carter - approx. 5 months old |
Anyway, she is doing great as far as the paci goes. She asked for it a couple of times in the few days after she gave it up, but other than that, nada. Now, the next milestone is pottying and we have been working on that since January, so it's not going quite as swimmingly. :(
With the type of personality that she has, I think it is just going to take another one of those "a-ha" moments of her realizing that she wants to go potty instead of us forcing her to try. Once she comes to want to do it on her terms, I think it will work...until then, I am trying not to pull my hair out! :)
1 comment:
I'm so glad getting rid of the paci went good! I think Carter deciding to ditch it on her own was the reason it did go well. I've probably already told you this-but I let the girls potty train themselves LOL! With 2 of them it was something I just dragged my feet on doing. We had a little potty in the bathroom and they knew what it was for-but I didn't try to push them because I was so harried with everything else. Corie just decided one day that she was going to use it and she pulled her diaper off and that was that. About a month later Katie followed along with it too. I can't remember for sure but I think Corie was a little over 2 years old maybe closer to 3 years. Anyway-that will happen with Carter too : ) And Dylan will probably be totally different and you'll have to go at it a different way-such is the way with children LOL : ) But I'm glad you've got 2 sweet baby girls and I've got 2 sweet grown girls! And that we can talk about it all together!
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